Remember COVID-19?
July - Sept 2023
My Role
UX Researcher
UX Designer
UI Designer
The Problem
I know, I know, I’m not an artist.
But these sketches were the humble starting point for what would eventually become the final visual design!
Photo Selector
Post Details
There’s always two sides of the story.
Your feed will contain posts that contain two sides to the story
Create your own authentic post
Cultivate a story that shows more to the story than what someone first sees
It’s really exciting to think about the other epics and how they might look like as additional features. I was considering an onboarding process that could understand a user’s sensitivity and preferences and organize/curate their feed as appropriate!
As a whole, Actually and ‘FOMO’ was such a rewarding and fun project to explore, and the time constraints of a Bootcamp meant that I had to focus on 1 Theme. However, I think Actually will be of greater value and impact to users as it tackles these other themes as well.
Thanks for reading!